Day Tripping: Edom/Murchison

Every year around this time I start seeing my friends' posts about picking blueberries.
Every year I tell the kids we'll go.
Every year I lie.
Ok, so I don't mean to lie. I start off with good intentions, then before you know it, the season's over and we are berry-less.
This year, I decided I wouldn't let the opportunity pass. Although there is a berry farm not too far from where I live, I decided to make a day trip of it and go to Echo Springs Blueberry Farm in Murchison (or Brownsboro... I think they're right there on the line and GPS says either/or).
Knowing we'd be famished after picking in the heat, I did a bit of research ahead of time to find a decent restaurant to check out afterward. I was not disappointed.

Echo Springs is about 25 miles (slightly south-)west of Tyler. Seventy-five acres of blueberry goodness. This last week was their end of season special so the berries are priced to go. $4/gallon. Let's just say I have a LOT of berries in my fridge right now.

the store sells pies, all varieties of jarred things, and cold bottles of water

After picking til our fingers were blue, we drove 10 miles north to the charming little town of Edom. Our first stop was The Shed. Though I didn't get a pic of every single thing we ordered, I did manage to capture a few before we got too messy. 😋 The grilled catfish was great (fried was good, too!), I could eat their green beans by the bucket, and their chicken fried steak was awesome.

Though Edom is tiny, it boasts a lot of artistic flare. I was shocked to find so much on one little strip.
If you haven't driven through before, you have to stop by. It's just the sort of place Cozy Mysteries are made of (considering this...) and a great place to wander around for a bit.


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