Author Interview: Michelle Keener

Author Michelle Keener
Michelle Keener’s book, Mission Hollywood, hits the shelves on July 16th of this year. After reading the synopsis, I had to hit that pre-order button. As one of Michelle’s Twitter posts reads, “A Hollywood Bad Boy. A pastor’s daughter. What could go wrong?” 
Ms. Keener has agreed to answer some questions about the upcoming novel, and I hope you guys are as excited as I am about this. 

Michelle, reviewers say this contemporary fiction piece is riddled with humor, excitement, and a reminder of God’s grace. Is there anything in particular that inspired this story? 
I love Christian romance novels and I had been wanting to write one for a long time. I played with several different ideas before I stumbled on the concept of a movie star bumping into a Christian woman and how that chance encounter could change both of their lives. Once I got that image in my head, I couldn’t wait to write the story.
I went to college in the Los Angeles area and dreamed of being an actress. I spent a lot of time in Hollywood during those years so the opportunity to incorporate those experiences into a book was really appealing to me.

Is there anything during your time researching for this book that stands out in your memory? 
On one trip back to Hollywood, I remember being amazed at how close together great riches and great poverty exist. You can literally walk from the height of fame and fortune to the depths of homelessness and hunger. It’s a heart-breaking reality.

‘Bad boy falls for a good girl’ is a popular romance trope that many of us just can’t get enough of. Tell us, is this a favorite subgenre of yours to read? 
It is! I have a soft spot for bad boys with a heart of gold. It might come from being married to a US Marine. He’s tough-as-nails on the outside, but he has the sweetest heart.

Fess up… what’s your writing quirk? 
Snacks. I always have snacks nearby when I’m writing. My current obsession is toffee-covered peanuts. Yum!

How long did it take you to finish writing Mission Hollywood? 
I wrote the first draft of Mission Hollywood during National Novel Writing Month in November 2017. It went through two more drafts after that and was signed by my publisher in October 2018. So, the whole process from first word to publication was just over a year and a half.

When reading between the lines of your novel, what message do you hope the story conveys?
I hope Mission Hollywood is a reminder of God’s unconditional, unchanging, never-ending love. He never gives up on us and it is never too late. As much as I love Ben and Lily’s story, the biggest love story in Mission Hollywood is God’s love for us.

Now that this book is completed, do you have anything else in the works, or are you taking a breather? 
It’s full-speed ahead! My women’s fiction novel, Light on Glass, is coming out in December and the sequel to Mission Hollywood is scheduled to be released in February 2020. Made in Hollywood is Noah’s story and his chance at love.
And somewhere in the midst of all that I have to finish writing book three in the series.

You are a Christian, a homeschooling mama, and an author. These are all things we have in common! Getting in writing time isn’t easy for us, is it? What’s the best time of day (or night) for you to work on your writing? 
When my kids were younger, I had to squeeze in writing after bedtime or at sports practices. But now that they are older they can keep themselves entertained and give me time to work in the morning which has been much more productive for me. In fact, most mornings they are both working on their own writing projects. My daughter did NaNoWriMo with me last year and my son is currently writing a book about a school for dragons.
My daughter just graduated high school and is starting college in the fall so I will only be homeschooling one child next year. I can’t believe how fast they’ve grown!

Link us in! What’s a good way to follow you on social media? Also, drop that pre-order link!
I love to hear from readers and writers! You can always find me on Twitter, but I’m also on Facebook and Instagram and I’ve got the same handle everywhere @MKeenerWrites
You can also find me on my website at
The pre-order link for Mission Hollywood is


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