Author Interview: Allison Pearl

Christian Suspense author Allison Pearl’s book Glazed Suspicion came out May of this year. A whodunnit whose reviews boast it as a faith-filled suspense novel you won’t be able to put down make it tantalizing enough, but have you seen that cover? I’m drooling.
I came across Allison’s book on Twitter and she was gracious enough to spare a few minutes to talk about herself and her new book.

Allison, in Glazed Suspicion, the protagonist Nicole has a past she’s trying to escape and finds herself in the middle of a pretty serious criminal investigation. Tell us, has crime fiction always been a favorite of yours to read and write?  

I certainly hope so. Otherwise, my suspicious browser history of searches on removing fingerprints and non-extraditing countries may warrant a call to the authorities.

What inspired you to write this story?

Small towns and suspense are two of my favorite things. In a very real way, the story was always there in the back of my mind ready to pop out.

On Amazon, Glazed Suspicion’s blurb mentions a break-in at the local donut shop. How many donuts did you eat while writing this book? (We won’t judge!)

Too many to count. Seriously. Though the most was during the week before National Doughnut Day. Check my Instagram if you don’t believe me.

Would you consider this a cozy mystery? Why / why not?

Cozy-ish would be a better description. It’s a fun ride, for sure, but the thriller switch is definitely turned on high.

How important is research to you when writing a crime novel, and what would you say is the hardest part of researching?

Research is invaluable. The hardest part is the sheer volume. At times, you’ll read a whole book for one sentence a character will say in the book.

Is Glazed Suspicion a stand-alone, or will this be a series?

It is a series. So, cliffhangers abound. Wink wink…

Do you have any hobbies other than writing?

Reading, first and foremost, but that’s probably a given. Otherwise, I really like being outdoors. Hiking, gardening, and even walking the dog really make me feel like I’ve had a productive day.

If you had to pick ONE fiction novel to put on your bookshelf, what would it be and why?

I’m pretty old school so Jane Eyre. It’s haunting and wonderful and I think I read it at least once a year.

Do you have another book in the works?

Totally. At the moment, I’ve got a few in the works but the next one to be released will be the sequel to Glazed Suspicion so keep a close eye on my social media pages or check out my publisher’s website,

LINKS! Give us all you got! (social media accounts, blogs, where to buy your books, etc.)

I’d love to hear from y’all on my Facebook page ‘Books by Pearl’ at or on Twitter at @AllisonPearl5 and Instagram at @allisonnicolepearl And make sure you pick up your copy of GLAZED SUSPICION on Amazon now!


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