Book Review: Remnants Series by Lisa Tawn Bergren - June 2017

  Every once in a while you will find a book whose author speaks to you. Not "speaks to you" as in, "Everything she said hit home!" I mean that the author's voice is almost audible throughout the entire book and you forget that you're reading. Lisa pulled this off in not one, but three books that were gripping, thought-provoking, and emotional.

The Plot/Characters
  The first book in the trilogy starts off like a gun being fired. There's no let's ease into this. It was more like a phone call in the middle of the night. You pick the thing up and give it your full attention, because you know that whatever is going to be said is most likely going to be important, if not life-altering.
  Andriana, or Dri, has prepared her entire life as an Aileth, one of the few who were destined to shield the world from the Sons of Sheol. She had trained for the battle she gets thrown into in the first chapter along with her Knight, Ronan, As a team the two hit the road running, putting as much distance between Andriana's family home and themselves in order to (1) keep the dark ones from hurting her family, and (2) seek out the other Remnant/Knight teams who are also dedicated to deposing the emperor and replacing him with the rightful ruler.
  The dark ones are seeking the Remnants out, knowing they are a real threat to their dark lord's rule. There is thick spiritual imagery here. You can't miss it! The good -vs- evil theme isn't the same old thing, rewritten, though. There is much talk to and about the Maker. The characters fight their own spiritual battles while trying to make good on their promise to stay focused on saving what's left of humanity.
  There is forbidden love between the two main characters. The interest between them gets to a point where there's no denying it, but they must keep it hidden so that the evil ones do not use it against them or the ones they care about.
  Throughout all three books, our main characters (plus a slew of other complex, amiable characters that add to the quality of the book just as much as the leads do!) find themselves battling, both literally and figuratively, the dark ones, saving lives, and pursuing the will of the Maker. There are angelic beings on both sides: the angels of light aid in protecting the Remnants in their journeys and battles, while the dark angels are determined to wipe them all out. Each of the Remnants have gifts and talents that set them apart, and it shows a clear picture of the diverse body of Christ. There are Drifters who hinder their journey. Think nomadic, thieving, murderous ones who have a disdain for the Maker and any who believe in Him.
  I found myself not sleeping, eating in bed, glued to this book because the author ties everything together in a way that is so very satisfying. I'm not one to enjoy giving spoilers, so I will leave out the details of the many bewildering twists and turns that leave you screaming, tossing the books, picking them back up, and beginning again. There are plenty of laughs, many tears, and lots of sitting-on-the-edge-of-your-seat moments. In all honesty, most of the content in the books keeps you enthralled. There aren't a lot of "downtime" places that drag on and lose you. You get every cent, every page worth of fantasy/dystopian action.
  I have yet to read a series that is so thick with allegory. And it really sticks with you! Yet, I have to stress...this book would appeal to those not normally fond of Christian Fiction! I sent the books to a man as a gift while he was incarcerated. Believe me when I say, he is not the type of person to seek out spiritual things and enjoy a good preaching-to. This is not a preachy book and it is enjoyable even for those who aren't Christians. He begged me to send him books two and three, saying that he read them straight through and enjoyed every single moment. He's also not the kind of person to say nice things to make you feel better about your gifts, so I know he truly did love the series. ;) 

  There are uses of words like stupid, suck, heck, idiot, and shut up. There is no vulgarity or true profanity.

  There are some steamy undertones here and there, but nothing graphic. There are mentions of Dri's clothing fitting tightly over her curves, There are scenes where people undress/dress, but not in a sexual manner. In one city, females are known as woman-flesh and are traded. There is a scene where women are in low-cut shirts revealing cleavage and midriff, and are kissing men and sitting in their laps. Some men look at women in lust, and some women play along with that. The main characters even have their share of struggles not thinking of one another in a sexual way, but they handle it well. There's one moment of weakness but it doesn't go far. There is hugging/kissing, and plenty of wanting to be touched, but refraining. None of it was done in a way that was distasteful

  There is violence throughout the book. Fighting, blood, death. Some scenes are pretty intense as far as fighting goes, and injuries as well.

Target audience: 
I'd say male/female, 16+. Fans of fantasy, dystopian, Christian fiction, and even romance if you like it blended with lots of action.

Conclusion: This is one of the few books that have had an impact on my walk with God. It has encouraged me to stay focused on the main goal of those who follow Christ: saving souls and guarding ourselves against the enemies that lurk in the spiritual world. I can honestly say that I view the world differently after reading this series, and I can't say that about many books.

My rating? Five out of five stars!



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