Book Review: Marta's Legacy (Her Mother's Hope & Her Daughter's Dream books) by Francine Rivers- Oct 2017

It's been a while since I've read a Francine Rivers book. I've read The Sin Eater, Leota's Garden, The Mark of the Lion Trilogy (my personal favorite), Redeeming Love, and now Marta's Legacy. I have to say this series is one of my favorites. The story spans five generations, going into detail on the lives of four of those generations of women. This book makes you feel. Really feel.


    Marta is born to a kind, loving mother and a selfish, unloving father. Due to the differences in the way her parents treated her and her sister Elise, Marta sets out to make a life for herself--one of education and hope for a better end. The journey you take is emotionally-charged, and you will need a box of Kleenex to get through it. Marta's choices as a parent begin a domino effect that spans from her daughter all the way down to her great-great-granddaughter. You fall in love with, grieve with, get angry with, and root for each woman as she makes her way through life and love. There really aren't many things I can tell you about this book without it being a major spoiler alert.

    If you are a woman--or know a woman--you can easily love this series. It emphasizes the bond between mother and daughter. It has caused me to make some changes in the way I interact with my own children. One night I was up reading until 3 a.m. and could not sleep until I'd crept into my youngest daughter's room and kissed her face as she slept. I can see the harm done in a single word spoken, a single accomplishment overlooked, and even a single grievance unforgiven. No parenting guide or counselor could have given me better insight into how to improve or destroy my relationship with my children better than this series. I will forever cherish the lessons learned the week I spent reading it, and will gladly buy my daughters copies when they have their own families. This set would make a wonderful gift.

Language: clean
Sexual Content: some sensitive material. Premarital sex, rape, child-molestation, and other like topics are touched on. Nothing over the top graphic, but all necessary to the story.
Violence: There is violence, but it's not so violent that you can't get through a chapter without something graphic happening. Only what is essential to the story is written and I wouldn't consider it a violent book.

I've yet to find a Francine Rivers book that I haven't given 5 stars, and this is no exception. Brilliantly written, moving, and deserving of every 5-star review it has gotten


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